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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hasselblad H4D-200MS Camera-Price: USD 45 thousand

Camera enthusiasts are able to produce high-resolution photos will be satisfied by this device. Imagine, H4D-200ms Hasselblad camera is capable of producing images with a resolution of 200 megapixels. Wow!

Indeed, the camera has a 50 megapixel sensor. To achieve greater resolution, as many as six shots combined. And to produce very high resolution images, it takes 30 seconds.
Hasselblad H4D-200MS
Hasselblad H4D-200MS-Best DSLR Camera
Predictably, DSLR cameras are very expensive. Precisely priced USD 45 thousand, or about 380 million if converted into rupiah currency.

Owners should also make sure to use the camera memory cards with large capacity. As quotes from Dvice, Friday (5/27/2011), just for an image has a size of 600 MB.

This product targets including the advertising company who need a camera to capture the luxury products. With high-resolution photo of the product can be more alluring in the eyes of consumers.